Gifty Bundle 2024
Okay, here's the deal: this year's gift bundle includes one tray, four coasters, and one Frank Little wallet. They're all indispensable items that pretty much anyone can find a use for.
In exchange for the nice price, there are some things that you get to choose, and some things you have to leave to chance.
You DO get to choose the coaster shape (round or square), the tray shape (square or rectangle), and the leather for the wallet, of which there are a load of options to choose from.
You DON'T get to choose what color the tray or coasters will be. It's just part of the deal. Most of them will be natural veg tan, natural chromexcel, or black chromexcel. The coasters might not match each other! They might not match the tray! It's a fun mystery and there are no bad outcomes, just be ready to roll with it. Good advice in general, if you ask me.